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Paolo Grigò graduated from the Istituto Statale D'Arte di Cascina (National Art Institute of Cascina), where he studied engraving, portrait painting and nude art. He also worked alongside his father, who was a sculptor, to learn the techniques of this particular discipline, and he attended the studio of Florentine monotype artist Gipi to acquire the "monotyping" technique.


His career as an artist began in 1971 with contributions to group exhibitions and national and international shows, and since 1985 the artist has been presenting his works in cycles. These include amongst others: "Discarica amore mio" 1985; "Dedicato a una Libellula" 1986; "Riflessione Abissi" 1989; "Muraglie consacrate" 1992; "Alentejo" 1996; "Sacromemoriale" 2000; "Cammino Orientale" 2003; "Icone e Liscari quotidiani" 2005; "Carta Gialla" 2008; "Volo... Viaggiatore" 2010; "Campo di papaveri" 2011; and "Transitus suis" 2014.

From his early works in the 1970s right up to his latest offerings - the architectural structures "Porta del dialogo e dei diritti umani" and "Porta della cultura e del sapere" produced for the City of Calcinaia, the door of the "Santa Famiglia" for the Duomo di Cecina (Livorno), the "Passagen de Luas" and "Porta du Sol" monuments in Portugal, "Musicanti" in Cape Verde, "Il Volo" in Pisa, "La Madonna dei Popoli" in Livorno, and the "Germogli" peace monument in memory of the fallen at Piavola, in Buti (Pisa), it is evident that the artist's thoughts are focused on major topical issues: peace, democracy, and the integration of cultures.

Grigò's artistic journey has always reflected both socio-political events and problems involved with the role that culture and the intellectual play in the progress of civil society. Grigò's work, which is internationally recognised, interprets a moment in history through awareness of the human drama. Drama that is expressed using a calculated and balanced language, that gives hope of salvation by calculation, enabling man to act with deliberation, in a measured way; evaluating a point of view before expressing it, and checking all the evidence before deciding.

His many solo exhibitions include major anthologies of painting, sculpture and graphics in Italy, France, Portugal, the USA, and the Cape Verde islands.

He has illustrated books of poetry and produced covers for magazines and books.

Many of his sculptures are erected in public buildings, churches and piazzas in Italy, Portugal, Cape Verde, France, Spain and Germany.

The Centro Studi di Vignola (Modena) has honoured him with the Targa D'Oro (for his sculpture work.) He is currently working on a new cycle of works: "Transitus suis", a metaphorical study of the crisis of modern society that lacks ethical principles such as solidarity, honesty and trust in others.

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